Why do we need such a programme?

Every citizen of the Czech Republic has the right to receive adequate emergency medical care in the event of his or her life or health threat. To this end, it is necessary to ensure a straight, fast and modern approach to this care throughout the state.

In the literature there is enough evidence, which together with more than fifty years of practical experience convincingly demonstrates that not new knowledge of pathology of urgent cases, not new diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, not new surgical or conservative treatments, but modern work organization greatly improves our results even in this area of ??medicine. We have been in evidence since the 1960s, when, for example, thanks to the enlightenment of some Czech physicians, and some health care organizers, the first intensive care units (ICUs) began to emerge, for example, in Czech hospitals. For many important insights on the importance of adequate organization of work in emergency medical care, especially accidental, we owe to military physicians, and paradoxically great wars in the last century.

In the place of accident, or sudden deterioration of the state of health is provided  pre-hospital emergency care, which is provided mainly by Emergency Medical Services (EMS), but also General Practitioners (GPs), or ambulance specialists. If this kind of care is provided by citizens themselves to other citizens before the arrival of the medical staff, we are talking about providing first aid. In addition, in-hospital emergency care is provided, which is optimally provided at the hospital entrance to the Emergency Room (ER), or Emergency Department (ED), and in the case of continuing need further to Intensive/Critical Care Units (ICU/CCU), or to the standard care beds of the relevant hospital wards. In the 21st. century, we must not forget the timely provision of rehabilitation, which is often underestimated in our country, and whose timely and effective implementation fundamentally affects the final outcome of an accident or illness, of our patients.

It is clear, from the above, that the organization of Emergency Medical Care in the Czech Republic requires a systemic solution of the problem, i.e. on a larger area, in a larger catchment area, for a larger number of potential patients. It is not possible to organize Emergency Medical Care from the level of the regions. That is why a national programme is necessary! This is an interdepartmental issue, not only health care, but also social care, the interior, the army, education, and finance, therefore it has to be solved from the level of the Government of the Czech Republic.

© 2018, Czech Group for Academic Emergency Medicine 

What problem do we actually solve?

A key condition for the success of such a programme is that it is a government document, as the issue is interdependent (health, inland, defense, social affairs, education, transport and finance) and must therefore be addressed from the position of the entire government. It is not possible to solve this topic from the level of individual ministries.

  1. Let us ensure a straight, fast and modern approach to Emergency Medical Care for all citizens throughout the Czech Republic.
  2. Improve the internal security of our country.
  3. Check the effectiveness of Emergency Medical Care provided to citizens of the Czech Republic. With the same amount of funds flowing into public health care so that each crown maximizes its benefit to patients.
  4. Restoring public confidence in our countrys health care system.
  5. Transfer attention to quality and guarantee top-quality Emergency Medical Care to all patients with emergency medical conditions - both traumatic, and non-traumatic. 
  6. Reduce the cost of administration (both economic, and moral) through the consistent introduction of eCommerce (eHealth).
  7. Collect patient data prospectively to assess the medical and economic impacts of newly introduced technologies, procedures and work organization.
  8. Increase communication and collaboration between different levels of health care services, and social services.

© 2018, Czech Group for Academic Emergency Medicine

What solutions we propose

The basic proposed solution, conditio sine qua non, is to set up a modern Emergency Departments (EDs) in all Czech hospitals that will be included in the Regional system of one central hospital and respective peripheral hospitals. Any hospital, irrespective of their ownership, i.e. a state hospital, a regional hospital, or a municipal hospital, as well as a private hospital, may be included in the Regional System of Emergency Medical Care by the State Authority (Ministry of Health). Only condition their inclusion in the system is their real ability to provide effective, safe and equal health care for all citizens. Emergency Departments of hospitals will become an important bolster between pre-hospital and in-hospital Emergency Medical Care.

Other solutions that will progressively reach the objectives of this program over the course of 10-15 years can only be formulated after detailed analysis of the current state of emergency health care provision in our country. A condition for real analysis is access to data , some of which are neither monitored nor evaluated by us. We will see how much data from the Institute of Health Informatics and Statistics of the Czech Republic (ÚZIS in Czech), health care insurance companies (ZP in Czech), the Czech Statistical Office (?SÚ in Czech), as well as individual medical facilities (ZZ in Czech), hospitals and outpatients will be useful.

The detailed and systematic work on this Programme is only meaningful when the Government of the Czech Republic approves this Programme. This approval will make it clear that our government wishes to increase the internal security of the country where Emergency Medical Care is an integral part, and also wishes to restore citizens´ confidence in the country/s health care system.


© 2018, Czech Group for Academic Emergency Medicine

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O nás...

Team, který pracuje na Národním programu neodkladné zdravotní péče v České republice:


Vít Mareček

pohotovostní lékař



Milan Šašek
(1950 – 2018)

pohotovostní lékař, internista

Milane, díky!

Pavol Getlík

pohotovostní lékař, anesteziolog, intenzivista
emeritní ředitel Záchranné služby Praha
emeritní vedoucí Katedry urgentní medicíny a medicíny katastrof IPVZ



Martin Polák

pohotovostní lékař, internista, kardiolog, autor základní české příručky Urgentní příjem, jakož i dalších knih: Urgentní příjem - Komentované kasuistiky a Triáž pacientů s onemocněními netraumatické povahy na oddělení urgentního příjmu.



Milan Brázdil

lékař urgentní medicíny a medicíny katastrof, záchranář, soudní znalec, poslanec Parlamentu České republiky, předseda Podvýboru pro zdravotnické záchranné služby PSP ČR



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pohotovostní medicínu

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